Duggleby Residents’ Meeting 19:00 14 August 2017
St Mary’s Church Wharram le Street
Chair: Roger Marris*. Notes taken by Emma McClean*.
Attendees: –
Sylvia Collier*, Roy Foster*, Melody Marris, Andrea Hustler, Peter Hustler, Julian Morgan, Joka Morgan, Sally Lovelock, Sue Hone, Sue Preston.
1 RM opened the meeting by explaining that the meeting was convened by the sub-committee of the KG&D Parish Council for the purpose giving the residents of Duggleby the opportunity of confirming the project as decided at Residents’ Group meeting held on 17 November 2016. The reason for seeking confirmation being that since their last meeting the wording of the agreement for the 106 monies had been changed by agreement between the developer and Ryedale District Council (RDC) from ‘Provision of public open space in the locality of Duggleby’ to ‘enhancement and maintenance of the village of Duggleby within the public realm.’
The 106 sub-committee has been formed at the request of the Parish Council to address what the community wishes the 106 money to be spent on and then work on the 106 application for funding.
2 The minutes of the meeting on 17 November 2016 were reviewed and conclusions discussed. The projects at this meeting being: –
- New village name/boundary signs – 20 votes
- Development of the bottom of Cupid’s Alley – 15 votes
- Development of the area around the trail board – 14 votes
- Maintenance of railings in the village – 3 votes
3 EM informed the meeting of the results of the poll on Facebook conducted this month: –
- Shelter in the Cupid’s Alley lay-by – 9 votes
- Enhance village boundary name signs – 6 votes
- Defib installed in the old phone box – 6 votes (now discounted as the phone box has been sold)
- Street name signs – 3 votes.
4 In the general discussion that took place it was unanimously accepted that the village name/boundary signs, as voted for at the meeting on 17 November 2016, will be the initial project to be submitted to the PC.
The number and positions of the ‘Gateway’ name signs was discussed; the outcome being that 12 votes were in favour of 5 new signs and three votes in favour of 4 signs.
Positions for 5 signs being: –
B1253 at High Street and Stonepit Balk, Cupid’s Alley, Salents Lane and the approach from KG.
It was also unanimously agreed that the village was in need of a multiuser shelter at the Cupids Alley lay-by. So taking cognisance of the (August) Facebook poll and the vote at the last meeting to develop the spare land on Cupid’s alley, it was unanimously agreed that the provision of a multiuser shelter should be submitted to the PC as an additional project.
5 RM informed the meeting that the two projects would be discussed by the sub-committee ASAP for referral to the PC.
The meeting closed at 20:00 with RM thanking all those who attended.
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